Local News

Repair Cafe at Dublin Maker

28th August 2024
A repair cafe is a community gathering place where people can bring
their broken items, such as appliances, clothing, or electronics, to
be repaired by skilled volunteers for free. The idea behind repair
cafes is to promote sustainability and reduce waste by encouraging
people to repair and reuse their belongings instead of throwing them

At a repair cafe, visitors can learn how to repair their items
themselves or watch and learn from the volunteers. Repair cafes also
offer a social atmosphere where people can connect with others who
share their interest in repairing, reducing waste, and promoting

Our passionate team of skilled volunteers will be on hand to help you
fix everything from electronics and appliances to furniture and
clothing, all while sharing valuable repair skills and promoting a
sustainable lifestyle.

If you have any broken items why not bring them along get them
repaired and enjoy the festival

Where? – Richmond Barracks
When? – Sunday, September 1st, 10:30 am – 1 pm
